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We are Iota Alpha Omega, the 375th chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, located in Poughkeepsie, NY.  Chartered on December 6, 1969, Iota Alpha Omega has proudly been of “Service to All Mankind” for over half a century to the residents of the Mid-Hudson Valley and its surrounding communities.  
Iota Alpha Omega Chapter, of the Notable North Atlantic Region was chartered in Fishkill, New York, on December 6, 1969, becoming the sorority’s 375th chapter. The chapter began as a group of sorors seeking friendship, camaraderie and sisterhood in the spring of 1967.  Barbara P. Battle was named the first unofficial president. The group called themselves ‘The Alpha Kappa Alpha Women of the Mid-Hudson Valley’. 

After a couple of years, the focus of the group changed from a social one, to one that desired full affiliation with our international office. That vision came to fruition in 1969.
In 2019, Iota Alpha Omega celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. During its fifty years in the Mid-Hudson Valley, the Chapter has served Dutchess, Orange, Sullivan and Ulster Counties of New York, by bringing community service programs and scholastic enrichment to the area. 
Chapter Founders Photo.jpg

Seated: Jacqueline Blount (Wilson), Vivian Love Jones, Jeanne Buie (Holmes), Celestine Mickens (Campbell),  North Atlantic Regional Director, Esther G. Pollard*, Laura Mimms, Jeanette Briscoe, Brenda Burney (Whitaker)


Standing: Marlene Watts (Gray), Annette Morgan*, Lorraine Roberts* (1st official Basileus), Linda Epps (Browne), Linda Kittrell (Waldemar),, Kaitie Griffin (Gafford)*, Gwendolyn Glover Stephens, Patricia Davis, Loretta Jenkins*



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